
The VHPFF has no regular external funding and ensuring the facilities are maintained to a high standard does not come cheap! It costs approaching £20,000 a year to maintain the facilities to enable Tennis, Football and Bowls to be played. Replacement of the Astroturf, at 2024 prices, is likely to be in excess of £50,000!

The Affiliated Clubs have their own membership fees, with each Club making an annual contribution to the VHPFF (set by the Trustees) based on their membership numbers.

The Goostrey VHPFF Lottery

Although membership of the VHPFF and money from the Affiliated Clubs is a key source of funding, there is another invaluable source of income – the Goostrey VHPFF Lottery. “Shares” cost £5 per month each (paid by standing order) and offer the opportunity of winning (in 2023) £25, £50 or £100 each quarter along with a Grand Prize of £1,000 each Christmas. Under Lottery Rules, 50% of the annual lottery income must be returned into the prize fund, so expansion of the Goostrey VHPFF Lottery means more prize money available for distribution!

Anyone can subscribe to the Goostrey Turf Account by downloading an Application Form, collecting one from the lower Noticeboard on the side of the Boothbed Lane Pavilion, or from Sally Ball (VHPFF Secretary), or Tel: 01477 534160.